Who or What is he?

He’s still trying to figure that out.

But he does know some things.

Jim is truly a born writer. He started trying to write fiction (novels and short stories) as a teenager. But he also had a love for science, wanting to understand how the universe works. With his natural curiosity, the universe won. He dabbled with writing fiction, but his love of science, working his way through school, and then working in scientific fields got in the way for many years. He taught at major universities and worked as a NASA contractor, where he helped develop parts of the International Space Station, which is now in orbit around the earth. Aside from his work at NASA, where he wrote technical papers and presentations, he authored a traditionally-published technical reference book The Dictionary for Human Factors/Ergonomics.

He now devotes himself to his real love – writing fiction. He has completed novels, children’s picture books, movie and TV pilot scripts, flash fiction, and other forms.

His most recent publication, a picture book titled Sara and the Lonely Horse, was released in May. It’s an inspirational children’s picture book where a miracle occurs after a young girl and a horse bond.

He’s seeking publishers for his other works.

With broad interests, he is probably capable of writing in most any genre, but his primary writings and interests involve sci-fi and the supernatural/paranormal (but not the violent or scary kind), maybe with a love story or miraculous achievement thrown in.

He has a previous website and blog (which is now in disarray due to a necessary change in themes), some of which will be incorporated into this one.
